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We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your career direction. Let us know how we can work together to help you become what you’ve imagined. Please email us or use the contact form.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I don't know how to market myself. What can I do to standout against my competition?

We have excellent career coaching services to assist you in uncovering your career goals, identifying your core strengths, and developing your brand. We help you build and present your personal brand in a succinct and confident manner.

Why can't I use a generic resume?

Your resume is a marketing tool that illustrates why you are the best qualified candidate for the position. Non-relevant information crowds out relevant qualifications and muddies your skillset for the resume evaluator. Additionally, a generic resume will not score high enough in the Applicant Tracking Software (ATS). Remember, you are ranked against your competition, so you want to score in the upper quadrant of the ATS. We build stellar resumes that both significantly improve your ATS score and convey to your resume evaluator why you are the strongest candidate.

I've submitted my resume to several positions for which I was highly qualified, but I'm hearing nothing. Crickets. What's going on?

There could be several factors as to why you are not hearing back from recruiters. Examples include:

  • The resume is not in an ATS-compliant format.
  • The resume is generic, rather than targeted, and therefore not scoring high enough to be seen by the recruiter.
  • The resume may not reflect your accomplishments and results.
  • The resume may be too dense (no one reads long paragraphs anymore).
  • The resume may not effectively market you.

You really do need a professional resume writing service to help you address all five of these areas. Book the resume and/or coaching service with us. You are worth it.

Why can't I just blast my resume across numerous companies advertising for similar jobs?

Blasting your resume across the internet is known as resume confetti. Remember that 1000s of candidates are vying for the same position. Taking the time to optimize your resume to the job description will significantly increase your chances of being seen by a recruiter. We teach you how to optimize your resume so you can be self-sufficient during your job hunt.

Do I need a social media presence?

Yes, you absolutely need a social media presence. Recruiters are suspicious if they cannot find your internet footprint. With more than 722M users, LinkedIn is one of the platforms used most frequently by recruiters. They will check you out! Right behind LinkedIn is Facebook, with 2.74B users. Don’t be fooled. Recruiters will look for you there, too. We help you clean up your social media, build your market messages and get your LinkedIn to All Star status.

How long does it take for me to get my new resume from you?

Once we receive all information artifacts from you (completed intake form, ideal job description), we guarantee delivery within 5–10 business days. Please note we also have an expedited service for an additional fee. We know job hunting is stressful, so we strive to provide a high-quality and rapid turnaround service.

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